Comics and Graphic stories by Michael Sanders

To find out more about Michael - click here

In 2013, the New Zealand magazine Education Today, published a Colonel Kernel comic strip in each of its six issues.  The strips were selected from 'Food Fight' and 'For Corn and Country'.  Education Today again featured a Colonel Kernel comic strip in each of its six issues in 2014. The strips were from 'I Want You in the Corn Army'.  Auckland Library's new ComicNZ blog (July 3, 23 & Aug16) highlighted Michael and his Colonel Kernel comic strips and Wellington Library added Cornucopia and Cornered to their children's collection. 

The full-colour comics Cornucopia, CorneredEpic Journey (chapters 1, 2 & 3) and Egbert Egghead's CAVES of DOOM are available on Wheelers Books ePlatform (accessed by libraries and schools) as digital books. During 2015, the Colonel Kernel strips were available through GoComics Sherpa. Also in 2015, Michael created a new comic strip called BRICKS for Education Today

BRICKS continued in Education Today in 2016 and Michael also created a series of Science Posters during the year.

Earlier work by Michael
  •  and check-out
                    Spacecat Adventures
                    Planets Exlot and Caloob

Ramblings from Michael's Dad

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