The Annoying Boy
The Annoying Boy is an experiment in how to show actions, interactions, display incidents, emotions and not have to actually draw anything (in any detail).
Annoying Boy - 2011: sequence of comic strips and an epilogue
Annoying Boy - 2013 & 2014: the annoying boy is back and more annoying than ever
The Annoying Teen
The annoying boy has become the annoying teenager.
Chapter One: Annoying Teen 2014 - 2017: comic strips
Chapter Two: Annoying Teen 2017 - onwards: comic strips
have been collected in the following full-colour booklets ....
Contains the strips:
Annoying Boy 1 -44 (complete set & epilogue)
Annoying the Boy 1 - 6 (complete set)
Annoying Teen 1 - 15
2011 - 2014
Contains the strips:
Annoying Teen 16 - 87
Annoying the Teen 1 - 7
2014 - 2017
Contains the strips:
Annoying Teen 88 - XX
Annoying the Teen 8 - XX
2017 - 20XX