My Life in Pictures
- a childhood memory ... of sorts
- Sequence 1 The Tingler - 1959
IMDB link
YouTube link - trailer
- Sequence 2 Night of the Living Dead - 1968
- Sequence 3 Predator - 1987
IMDB link
YouTube link - trailer
- Sequence 4 The Stepford Wives - 1975
IMDB link
YouTube link - trailer
- Sequence 5 Dr No - 1962
- Sequence 6 Jaws - 1975
- Sequence 7 The Fly - 1958
- Sequence 8 The Blob - 1958
IMDB link YouTube link - trailer
Since starting this series have come across two graphic novels, both of which made me pause! Fortunately, their story concepts are different.
2007 Life, In Pictures - autobiographical stories. Will Eisner
2010 Moving Pictures. Kathryn and Stuart Immonen
And more recently ... also different ...
2016 Bea Garcia - My Life in Pictures. Deborah Zemke
2017 Drawn Out - A Seriously Funny Memoir. Tom Scott (NZ cartoonist)
2018 Drawn Together - Minh Le and Dan Santat (also 2012 Drawn Together - Collected works of R and A Crumb)
Though, the TV series 'My Life in Film' was likely a strong influence. Great show.
Also ... in 2016 came up with a short strip series, which I completed in 2017, called
A Drawn Out Life - about the aged residents of a rest home