Legend of the Corn Dog
2014 Colonel Kernel comic strips (Jan2 -> Apr24)
The sixth Colonel Kernel comic strip collection
- Corn Army Exam Question Jan2-2014
- That's Entertainment Jan7-2014
- The Tattoo Jan12-2014
- Froid Comme Un Concombre Jan15-2014
- Noodles Jan20-2014
- Brussels Sprouts (new crop) Jan28-2014
- Headline News Feb8-2014
- Lost Feb16-2014
- Anyone for Tennis? Apr10-2014
- Know Your Terrain Apr13-2014
- Flattery Apr19-2014
- Don't Miss the Morning Briefing Apr24-2014
The first six strips of this issue were completed in December 2013 and loaded to the website in January 2014.

Back to the Colonel Kernel main page.
For a larger version of the cover image.
Three of these strips have featured on Auckland Library's ComicsNZ webpage: Know Your Terrain, The Tattoo, Brussels Sprouts - the new crop.