- an unofficial fan poster

Back to the CAT vs BIRDS strips.
The Wellington images:
- Bucket Fountain - Cuba Street
- Richard Seddon statue - Parliament Grounds
- Wind Turbine sculpture - Cobham Drive (near Wellington airport
- Tripod sculpture - Courtney Place
- Cake Tin - Wellington Regional Stadium on the waterfront
- Katherine Mansfield sculpture - Midland Park, Lambton Key
- Solace sculpture - Wellington waterfront (near Te Papa)
- Mahatma Gandhi statute - Wellington train station
- Cable Car - Lambton Key
The birds:
- Fantail - Piwakawaka (Rhipidura fuliginosa)
- Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae)
- Wood Pigeon - Kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)
Links and news articles about Zealandia ...
- Zealandia
- Dec2016 - article (record numbers)
- Dec2016 - article (restore the lake)
- Nov2016 - article & Mar2019 - article (Rifleman - Titipounamu)
And a predator free New Zealand
- Department of Conservation plan for 2050
- Jan2017 news feature in journal Nature
- May2017 PCE report on NZ's native birds